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Sustainable Enterprise Excellence Organizational Resilience & Robustness
Complex Management Systems Six Sigma Innovation & Design
Innovation, Leadership and Governance for Business Excellence & Sustainability
Statistical Methods with Applications in Quality & Reliability Engineering
Edgeman, R. (2019). Complex Management Systems and the Shingo Model: Foundations of Operational Excellence and Supporting Tools. Productivity Press (In Print: 1 March 2019).
BOOK CHAPTERS: Reverse Chronology
Edgeman. R. (2019). Performance Management and Enterprise Excellence through SBMs. Sustainable Business Model Innovation, Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK (2018). Annabeth Aagaard (Ed.). pp. 317-359. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-93275-0_11
Edgeman. R. (2017). Lean Six Sigma Innovation & Design. Encyclopedia of Information Science & Technology, 4e, IGI Global: Hershey, PA. M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), pp. 729-739.
De Feo, J., Edgeman, R., Plenert, G. and Snyder, K. (2016). Strategic Planning and Performance Excellence. Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill Professional, pp. 245-274.
Caldwell, K., Edgeman, R. and Snyder, K. (2016). Lean Techniques and the Shingo Prize. Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill Prof., pp. 387-428.
Edgeman, R. and Wu, Z. (2015). Anthropocene Age Wicked Challenges: Yin, Yang and Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. Exploring Innovation in Global Supply Chain Networks, Pearson Press, pp. 273-294. Gyula Vastag, Antony Paulraj & Jan Stentoft – Editors.
Edgeman. R. (2014). Six Sigma Innovation & Design. In J. Wang (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Business Analytics & Optimization, IGI Global: Hershey, PA, Volume 4, pp. 488-499.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2014). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. In J. Wang (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Business Analytics & Optimization, IGI Global: Hershey, PA, Volume 5, pp. 199-212.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2014). Social-Ecological Innovation. In J. Wang (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Business Analytics & Optimization, IGI Global: Hershey, PA, Volume 4, pp. 532-543.
Edgeman, R., Wu, Z. and Laasch, O. (2014). Expert Corner Contributor: Sandra Waddock.
Chapter 9 – Operations Management. In. O Laasch, R Conaway & N Tolhurst (Eds.) Principles of Responsible Management: Sustainability, Responsibility, Ethics, UN PRME & Cengage Publishing: Hampton, UK, pp. 260-298.
Wu, Z., Edgeman, R. and Laasch (2014). Expert Corner Contributor: Michael Braungart. Chapter 10 – Supply Chain Management. In O. Laasch, R. Conaway & N. Tolhurst (Eds.) Principles of Responsible Management: Sustainability, Responsibility, Ethics, UN PRME & Cengage Publishing: Hampton, UK, pp. 299-329.
Edgeman, R. (2013). Unleashing the Potential of Big Data: A White Paper from the 2013 World Summit on Big Data & Organizational Design. Diem Ho, Borge Obel & Charles Snow (Eds.). R. Edgeman – Contributor. IBM, Organizational Design Community, the Sorbonne (University of Paris) and Aarhus University, December 2013, 24 pages. Online at:
Edgeman, R. (2011). Design for Six Sigma. In M. Lovric (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Springer Publishing: Berlin, pp. 374-376.
Edgeman, R. (2011). SIPOC and COPIS: The Business Flow – Business Optimization Connection. In M. Lovric (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Springer Pub.: Berlin, pp. 1337-1338.
Edgeman, R. (2007). Leadership for Six Sigma & Sustainable Development: An Anno Domini 2020 Vision for Performance Enhancement Deployment. In Honor of Kai Kristensen, Ledelse og Økonomi (Leadership & Economics), pp. 28-41.
Edgeman, R., Bigio, D. and Ferleman, T. (2006). Six Sigma for Government IT: Strategy and Tactics for Washington D.C. In J. Antony, R. Banuelas and A. Kumar (Eds.), World Class Applications of Six Sigma: Real World Applications of Success, Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK, pp. 192-207.
Edgeman, R., Bigio, D. and Ferleman, T. (2006). Mission Critical: Six Sigma and Business Excellence for Information Technology. In J. Antony and M. Zairi (Eds.), World Class Applications of Six Sigma: Case Studies from Manufacturing and Service Industries, Elsevier Science, Oxford, UK, pp. unavailable.
Edgeman, R. and Hensler, D. (2005). QFD and the BEST Paradigm: Deploying Sustainable Solutions. The Role of Academic Institutions and Societies in Fulfilling the MDGs, World Association of Sustainable Development, London. pp. 165-175.
Hensler, D., Edgeman, R. and Guerrero-Cusumano (2005). East meets West: Weaving the Threads of Deming, da Vinci and the Tao Te Ching. In J. Wood and M. Wood (Eds.), W. Edwards Deming: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management, Routledge Press, London, UK, pp 322-333.
Edgeman, R. (2002). Six Sigma in Communities of Care: Improved Care via Institutionalized Genius. Business Briefing: Global Healthcare 2002, Vol. 2, World Medical Association – 53rd General Assembly. London, UK pp. 46-49. (Invited Contribution)
Edgeman, R. (2002). BEST Business Excellence: Ethical Resolution of Business Excellence & Sustainable Development. In L.O.K… Lategan and P. le Roux (Eds.), Business Ethics in Higher Education, Technikon Free State Studies in Higher Education, Bloemfontein, South Africa, No. 4, pp. 24-37.
JOURNAL ARTICLES: Reverse Chronology
Edgeman, R., Eskildsen, J. and Bone, S. (2019). The House of Research: Strategic Research Alignment, Prioritization & Deployment. Business Strategy & the Environment, (May 2019 submission anticipated).
Edgeman, R. (2018). Model voor duurzame en circulaire ondernemingen (in Dutch) / Modeling Sustainable and Circular Enterprises. Sigma: Platform for Quality of the Organization, Vol. 4, No. 4, 16-20. (Platform voor Kwaliteit van de Organisatie – in Dutch),
Hussain, T., Edgeman, R., Eskildsen, J., Shoukry, A.M. and Gani, S. (2019). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence: An Attribute Based Assessment Protocol. Sustainability, Vol. 11, issue and pp. pending. (Accepted: 30 October 2018)
Edgeman, R. (2019). A Big Picture: Social-Ecological Changes with Implications for Lean and Six Sigma. Six Sigma Forum, 18, 1, pp. pending.
Snyder, K. and Edgeman, R. (Accepted – September 2018). Improving the Process of Improvement. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol., issue and pp. pending.
Hussain, T., Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (Accepted – April 2018). Knowledge Based Intellectual Structure in Research in Business Excellence (1995-2015). Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol., issue and pp. pending.
Hussain, T., Eskildsen, J. and Edgeman, R. (Accepted – April 2018). The Intellectual Structure of Research in ISO 9000 Standard Series (1987-2015): A Bibliometric Analysis. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol., issue and pp. pending.
Edgeman, R. (2018). Urgent Evolution: Excellence and Wicked Anthropocene Age Challenges. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29, issue and pp. pending.
Edgeman, R., Hammond, S., Keller, C. and McGraw, J. (2018). Virtuous Cycles: Organizational Dynamics of Innovation & Excellence. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29, issue and pp. pending.
Hertz, H., Barker, S. and Edgeman, R. (2018). Current & Future States: Reinventing Enterprise Excellence. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29, issue and pp. pending.
Edgeman, R. (2018). Excellence Models as Complex Management Systems. Business Process Management Journal, 24, issue and pp. pending.
Edgeman, R., Bourne, M., Bititci, U. and Nudurapti (2017). Remastered, Reinvented and Reimagined: Evolving and Merging Paths to Performance Management and Measurement. Measuring Business Excellence, 21, 3, 209-213.
Edgeman, R. (2017). Routinizing Peak Performance and Impacts via Virtuous Cycles. Measuring Business Excellence, 21, 3, 261-271.
Edgeman, R., Neely, A. and Eskildsen, J. (2016). Paths to Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11, 4, 858-868.
Edgeman, R. and Wu, Z. (2016). Supply Chain Criticality in Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11, 4, 869-888.
Edgeman, R. and Wu, Z. (2015). Climate Change & Social Strain: Strategic Enterprise Responses. TQM Journal, 27, 4, 450-470.
Edgeman, R. (2015). Strategic Resistance for Sustaining Enterprise Relevance: A Paradigm for Sustainable Enterprise Excellence, Resilience and Robustness. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 64, 3, 318-333. (2016 Journal Best Paper Award)
Edgeman, R., Neely, A. and Eskildsen, J. (2015). Continuously Relevant and Responsible Organizations via Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 64, 3, 304-317.
Edgeman, R. (2015). Wicked Global Challenges: Sustainability in the Enterprise Crosshairs
Measuring Business Excellence, 19, 1, 13-23.
Edgeman, R., Eskildsen, J. and Neely, A. (2015). Translating Triple Top Line Strategy into Triple Bottom Line Performance. Measuring Business Excellence, 19, 1.
Edgeman, R., Wu, Z. and Laasch, O. (2015). Operations: Responsible Enterprise Excellence. Ideia Sustentável: The Observatory of Trends in Sustainability (NEXT) – Brazil (in Portuguese), pp. unknown.
Edgeman, R. and Williams, J. (2014). Enterprise Self-Assessment Analytics for Sustainability, Resilience & Robustness. TQM Journal, 26, 4, 368-381.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2014). Modeling and Assessing Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23, 3, 173-187.
Edgeman, R. (2014). Modeling & Analytics for Sustainable, Resilient and Robust Enterprises.
Business Systems Review, 3, 2, 75-99.
Edgeman, R. (2013). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence: Towards a Framework for Holistic Data-Analytics. Corporate Governance, 13, 5, 527-540.
Edgeman, R., Bøllingtoft, A., Eskildsen, J., Kallehave, P. and Kjærgaard, T. (2013). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence and the Continuously Relevant & Responsible Organization. International Journal of Social Ecology & Sustainable Development, 4, 4, 65-76.
Edgeman, R. (2013). Six Sigma Enablement of Sustainable Enterprise Excellence & Resilience. Six Sigma Forum, 12, 4, 6-9.
Edgeman, R., Krisensen, K., Eskildsen, J. and Obel, B. (2013). Enterprise-Wide Process & Performance Excellence: Architecting Human Capital for Continuously Relevant Organizations. IAPQR Transactions, 38, 1, 39-48.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). An Excellence Equation: (E3 Governance + 3E Strategy) ð 3P Performance. Journal of Positive Management, 3, 1, 50-66.
Eskildsen, J. and Edgeman, R. (2012). Continuous Relevance & Responsibility: Integration of Sustainability & Excellence via Innovation. Journal of Positive Management, 3, 1, 67-81.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). C4 Model of People-Centered Innovation: Culture, Consciousness & Customer-Centric Co-Creation. Journal of Innovation and Best Business Practice, Volume 2012, Article ID 932564, 14 pages.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). Viral Innovation: Integration via Sustainability and Enterprise Excellence. Journal of Innovation and Best Business Practice, Volume 2012, Article ID 361451, 13 pages.
Edgeman, R., Bigio, D. and Ferleman, T. (2010). What’s the Story? Aligning Mission, Vision and Strategy with Your Brand. Design Management Review, 18, 1, 76-81.
Edgeman, R. and Fraley, L. (2008). A System of Profound Consciousness: Building Beyond Deming. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 19, 7/8, 683-707.
Edgeman, R. and Dugan, J. (2008). Six Sigma from Products to Pollution to People: Migration from Engineering and Business to the Natural and Social Environments. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 19, 1, 1-8.
Klefsjö, B., Bergquist, B. and Edgeman, R. (2006). Six Sigma and Total Quality Management: Different Day, Same Soup? International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2, 2, 162-178.
Edgeman, R., Bigio, D. and Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma and Business Excellence: Strategic and Tactical Examination of IT Service Level Management at the Office of the Chief Technology Officer of Washington, D.C. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21, 3, 257-273.
Edgeman, R. and Hensler, D. (2005). QFD and the BEST Paradigm: Deploying Sustainable Solutions. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2, 1, 49-59.
Bigio, D., Edgeman, R. and Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma Availability Management of Information Technology in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer of Washington, D.C. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 15, 5/6, 679-687. NOTE: appears in abbreviated form in the following publication as decisions of the editors of this journal.
Bigio, D., Edgeman, R. and Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma Availability Management of Information Technology in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer of Washington, D.C. Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 50, 1, 85-88.
Edgeman, R. and Bigio, D. (2004). Six Sigma as Metaphor: Heresy or Holy Writ? Quality Progress, 37, 1, 25-30. Reprinted in: E-Momentum: the Online Quality Journal of Australasia, 33-38, February 2004.
Edgeman, R. (2003). Synergy for the Human Heart: Excellence and Sustainability at the Crossroads. AI and Society, 17, 2, 200-202.
Dalrymple, J., Edgeman, R., Hensler, D. and Huq, F. (2002). Knowledge Dissemination and Advancement of Organizational Excellence. Quality Engineering, 14, 2, 307-312. Bigio, D., Edgeman, R. and Ferleman, T. (2005).
Edgeman, R. (2002). Teaching and Teams: Confessions of a Business Excellence Addict. Measuring Business Excellence, 6, 4 (2002).
Hensler, D. and Edgeman, R. (2002). Modeling BEST Business Excellence: The Beginning. Measuring Business Excellence, 6, 2, 49-54.
Edgeman, R. and Bigio, D. (2002). Six Sigma in the Academic World. Six Sigma Forum, 1, 4, 13-15.
Edgeman, R. (2001). Smoke Signals: Sifting through the Ashes of Tragedy. Measuring Business Excellence, 5, 4, 2001.
Klefsjö, B., Wiklund, H. and Edgeman, R. (2001). Six Sigma Seen as a Methodology for Total Quality Management. Measuring Business Excellence, 5, 1, 31-35.
Edgeman, R. (2001). An Imperative for Leadership for Business Excellence. Journal of Management Systems, 13, 1, 1-12.
Edgeman, R. (2001). Business Excellence and Sustainable Development: BEST Integration. Quality Australia, 16, 1, 27-30.
Edgeman, R. and Hensler, D. (2001). The AW Chronicle: Earth@Omega or Sustainability@Alpha? TQM Journal (formerly titled The TQM Magazine), 13, 2, 83-90.
Edgeman, R. (2001). Leadership in the Rainforest: New Measures of Business Excellence? Measuring Business Excellence, 5, 1, 2001.
Edgeman, R. (2000). BEST Business Excellence: An Expanded View. Measuring Business Excellence, 4, 4, 15-17.
Edgeman, R. (2001). BEST Business Excellence: A Clarion Call to Leaders. Best Practice, 1, 1. January-February 2001 - Published by Excellence Ireland, pp. unknown.
Vermeulen, W. and Edgeman, R., (2001). Continuous Quality Improvement Strategies in the Retail Banking Industry of South Africa. Quality Engineering, 13, 2, 245-250.
Edgeman, R. (2000). Excelência e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (in Portuguese).
Organizational Excellence and Sustainable Development: the Imperative for a Meaningful Interface. Banas Qualidade, 11, 2, 56-60.
Hensler, D., Edgeman, R. and Guerrero-Cusumano J. (2000). East meets West: Weaving the Threads of Deming, da Vinci and the Tao Te Ching. Total Quality Management, 10, 4, 496-503.
Dalrymple, J., Hillmer, S., Karney, D., Edgeman, R. and Geroy, G. (2000). Knowledge Creation and Advancement of Organizational Excellence. Quality Engineering, 12, 4, 619-626.
Edgeman, R., Dahlgaard, S., Dahlgaard, J. and Scherer, F. (2000). Mutual Enrichment at the Interface of Organizational Excellence and Personal Excellence. Quality Progress, 33, 5, 14. Response to Dr. Harry Hertz - Baldrige Program Director wrt paper by R Edgeman, SMP Dahlgaard, JJ Dahlgaard & F Scherer - Quality Progress, 32, 10, 49-54 (1999).
Edgeman, R. and Jonker, J. (2000). Lessons from Leonardo: Application of da Vincian Principles to Organisational Excellence. Quality Australia, 14, 4, 28-31.
Edgeman, R., Dalrymple, J., Jonker, J. and Sheffield, J. (2000). Excellence & Mutual Enrichment. Quality Australia, 14, 1, pp. unknown.
Dalrymple, J., Edgeman, R., Finster, M., Guerrero-Cusumano, J., Hensler, D. and Parr, W. (1999). Next-Generation Quality Management: Multinational, Multidisciplinary and Performance-Focused. TQM Journal (formerly titled The TQM Magazine), 11, 3, 138-141.
Dalrymple, J., Edgeman, R., Finster, M., Guerrero-Cusumano, J., Hensler, D. and Parr, W. (1999). A White Paper: Quality at the Crossroads of Organizational Excellence and the Academy. Quality Engineering, 12, 1, 97-104.
Edgeman, R. and Scherer, F. (1999). Systemic Leadership via Core Value Deployment.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 20, 2&3, 94-97.
Drew, E. and Edgeman, R. (1999). ‘E’Quality: Contributing to Business Excellence. Quality Engineering, 11, 4, 625-638.
Edgeman, R. (1998). Core Value Deployment and the Spiritual Imperative for Systemic Leadership. Journal of Management Systems, 10, 4, 1998.
Edgeman, R., Dahlgaard, S., Dahlgaard, J. and Scherer, F. (1999). Leadership, Business Excellence Models and Core Value Deployment. Quality Progress, 32, 10, 49-54.
Edgeman, R. and Rodgers, T. (1999). Escape from Organizational Nihilism: Leadership Core Values for Business Excellence. International Journal of Applied Quality Management, 2, 1, 117-125.
Hermel, P., Edgeman, R. and Dahlgaard, J. (1999). History and Specifics of the Quality Movement in France. Quality Engineering, 11, 4, 619-624.
Raeside, R., Masson, R. and Edgeman, R. (1999). Quality Trends and Practices in Scotland. Quality Engineering, 11, 3, 475-489.
Bergman, B., Klefsjö, B., Edgeman, R. and Dahlgaard, J. (1999). The Development of Quality Management in Sweden. Quality Engineering, 11, 3, 463-474.
King, R., Gildea, M., Edgeman, R., Mansfeld, G. and Macurová, P. (1999). A Window on Quality Improvement in the Czech Republic. TQM Journal (formerly titled The TQM Magazine), 11, 1, 8-11.
Longo, C., Cox, M. and Edgeman, R. (1998-99). Whither Banking in the United Kingdom: Is Total Quality Management the Answer? Quality Engineering, 11, 2, 319-327.
Mansfeld, G. and Edgeman, R. (1998-99). Legends as a Mirror to Cultural Identity and Quality Practice in the Czech Republic. Quality Engineering, 11, 1, 149-156.
Edgeman, R. and Conlan, S. (1998). Global Perspectives on Leadership for Business Excellence. International Journal of Applied Quality Management, 1, 2, 81-92.
Edgeman, R. (1998). Principle-Centered Leadership and Core Value Deployment. TQM Journal (formerly titled The TQM Magazine) 10, 3, 190-193.
Edgeman, R. and Dahlgaard, J. (1998). A Paradigm for Leadership Excellence. Total Quality Management, 9, 4 & 5, 75-79.
Dahlgaard, J., Dahlgaard, S. and Edgeman, R. (1998). Core Value Deployment: The Need for a New Renaissance. Total Quality Management, 9, 4 & 5, 45-50.
Dahlgaard, S., Dahlgaard, J. and Edgeman, R. (1998). Core Values: The Pre-Condition for Business Excellence. Total Quality Management, 9, 4 & 5, 51-55.
Edgeman, R. and Williams, J. (1998). Select Leaders Using a Quality Management Process. Quality Progress, 31, 2, 78-82.
Dahlgaard, J., Hartz, O. and Edgeman, R. (1998). Quality Improvement Practices & Trends in Denmark. Quality Engineering, 10, 4, 757-763.
Edgeman, R. and Lin, D. (1997). Sequential Analysis for an Accelerated Life Model. (Five Year Citation for Excellence Awarded). International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 14, 6, 598-605.
Edgeman, R. (1997). Faster, Faster: Sequential Analysis of an Accelerated Life Model. Reliability Review: The Reliability & Maintainability Engineering Journal, 17, 2, 13-19.
Edgeman, R. (1996). SPRT and CUSUM Results for Inverse Gaussian Processes. Communications in Statistics, 25, 11, 2797-2806.
Edgeman, R. (1993). Quality Improvement & Statistical Reasoning: A Business School Implementation. Quality Progress, 26, 7, 108-110.
Edgeman, R. (1992). Testing for Differences in Means of Skewed Processes. International Journal of Modeling & Simulation, 12, 1, 20-21.
Pavur, R., Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1992). Quadratic Statistics for the Goodness-of-Fit Test of the Inverse Gaussian Distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R41, 1, 118-123.
Edgeman, R. and Grayson, J. (1991-1992). Analysis of Reciprocals for Life Test Data. Quality Engineering, 4, 2, 189-196.
Edgeman, R. and Williams, J. (1991). Quality Control & Home Runs: An Examination of Appropriate Metrics for Quality Control. Journal of Applied Business Research, 7, 4, 112-122.
Edgeman, R. Salzberg, P. (1991). A Sequential Sampling Plan for the Inverse Gaussian Mean.
Statistische Hefte (Statistical Papers), 32, 45-53.
Edgeman, R. (1990). Assessing the Inverse Gaussian Distribution Assumption. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R39, 3, 352-355.
Edgeman, R. (1990). An Alternative to Analysis of Variance for Reliability Data
Quality & Reliability Engineering International, 6, 4, 203-207.
Lucas, J., Edgeman, R., Arnold, J., Reynolds Jr., M., Tiwari, M., Lahiri, P., Stokes, S., Sharp, M., Miller, S., Economou, J. and Reeves, R. (1990). Detecting Lack of Control in a New, Untried Process. Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 35, 5, 24-96.
Edgeman, R. and Williams, J. (1990). Quality and Productivity Consultants: Competitive Bang for the Consulting Buck? Quality Digest, 10, 8, 46-51.
Edgeman, R. (1990). Correlation Coefficient Assessment of Normal Probability Plots. Reliability Review: The Reliability & Maintainability Engineering Journal, 10, 2, 14-16.
Edgeman, R. and Athey, S. (1990). Digidot Plots for Process Surveillance. Quality Progress, 23, 5, 66-68.
Edgeman, R. (1989). Random Number Generators and the Minimal Standard. Communications of the ACM, 32, 8, 1020-1021.
Edgeman, R. (1989). Control of Inverse Gaussian Processes. Quality Engineering, 1, 3, 265-276.
Edgeman, R. (1989). Inverse Gaussian Control Charts. Australian Journal Statistics, 31, 1, 78-84.
Edgeman, R., Scott, R. and Pavur, R. (1988). A Modified Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for the Inverse Gaussian Density with Unknown Parameters. Communications in Statistics, B17, 4, 1203-1212.
Edgeman, R. (1988). Quality, Reliability & Productivity Education: America’s Hope for Enhanced Competitive Position. Journal of Innovative Higher Education, 13, 1, 21-26.
Edgeman, R. (1988). Academic Involvement in the Quality and Reliability Revolution: A Business School Approach to Competitive Position. Technology Transfer Advocate, 1, 1, 33-41.
Edgeman, R. (1988). Normal Distribution Probabilities and Quantiles without Tables. Mathematics and Computer Education, 22, 2, 95-99.
Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1987). Lilliefors's Tests for Transformed Variables. Brazilian Journal of Probability & Statistics, 1, 1, 101-112.
Edgeman, R. (1987). QC Education: Addressing the Issue. Quality Progress, 20, 12, 7.
Edgeman, R. (1987). Building a Quality and Reliability Management Program in a College of Business. Reliability Review: The Reliability & Maintainability Engineering Journal, 7, 3, 38-39.
Edgeman, R. (1987). Hypergeometric Random Variable Limits. The American Statistician, 41, 1, 88.
Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1986). Generator: A Program for Simulating Non-Uniform Random Variates. The American Statistician, 40, 1, 54.
Edgeman, R. (1984). P-DIST: A Microcomputer Program for Obtaining Probabilities from Univariate Distributions. The American Statistician, 38, 4, 321.
Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1984). Microcomputer Simulation of Non-Uniform Random Variates. Modeling and Simulation, 15, 4 1671-1676.
Scott, R. and Edgeman, R. (1984). The Use of Multiplicative-Shift Random Number Generators on Microcomputers. Modeling and Simulation, 15, 4, 1677-1680.
Edgeman, R. (2007). A New Big Bang Theory: Six Sigma at the Academic-Industry Interface.
Six Sigma E-Newsletter, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Edgeman, R. (2005). Carry the Voice of the Customer using Quality Function Deployment. Quality Digest, 2, 12, October 2005 – ETQM College Publishing – Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Edgeman, R. (1993). Iowa Program Combines Stats, Engineering, and Business Studies. Amstat News, No. 195, 25.
Edgeman, R (1992). Quality Improvement Educational Opportunities Abound. Amstat News, N. 192, 48
Inverse Gaussian Control Charts - Statistical Theory & Methods Abstracts, 30, 3, p 2441, August 1989.
Edgeman, R. (1984). Optimal and Quasi-Optimal Sequences of Decisions for Nested Multistage Games. Caterpillar Tractor Company Research Foundation, 167 page report provided relative to my role as first Caterpillar Tractor Company Research Foundation Fellow
Quality Improvement Strategies for South African Retail Banking in Business Briefing: Global Banking and Financial Technology. W. Vermeulen & R Edgeman. World Markets Research Centre (WMRC): Representing World Economic Development Congress, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the ASEAN. April 2000.
Edgeman, R. (2017). A Complex Systems View of Integrated Sustainability, Innovation, Lean and Excellence (SILE) 30th IBIMA Conference, Madrid, Spain. 8-9 November 2017. Keynote Address.
Edgeman, R. (2017). Systematically Embracing Complexity: A Changing Lean. Shingo European Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 17-18 October 2017.
Edgeman, R. (2017). Excellence Models and Complex Management Systems. 9th Annual Canadian Quality Congress, Toronto, Canada, 7-8 September 2017. (Most Highly Commended Research Paper Award).
Edgeman, R. (2017). The Shingo Model in a Management Systems Context. 29th Shingo International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 24-28 April 2017.
Edgeman, R. (2017). The Future of Lean: A Research-Based Focus. Ohio State University Center for Operational Excellence Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 11-13 April 2017.
Edgeman, R. (2016). Inter-and-Intra Organizational Dynamics of Strong Reciprocity: Synergetic Social-Ecological Innovation in the Anthropocene Age. Shingo European Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-2 December 2016.
Edgeman, R. (2016). Six Sigma: An Excellence-Driven Strategy. 40th Partners in Business Operational Excellence Conference, Logan, Utah, 11 October 2016.
Edgeman, R. (2016). Routinizing Peak Performance & Impacts Via Virtuous Reciprocity Cycles. Performance Management Association Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-29 June 2016.
Edgeman, R. (2016). Building Excellence Panel. Comprised of Dr. Harry Hertz (Director Emeritus, Baldrige Performance Excellence Program), Dr. Joseph DeFeo (CEO, Juran Institute), and Shaun Barker (Shingo Institute Associate Director). 28th Shingo International Conference, Washington, DC, April 2016. Conceived & Moderated by Rick Edgeman.
Edgeman, R. (2015). Strong Reciprocity as Quintessential Shingo. Shingo European Conference 2015, Cork, Ireland, 13-14 October 2015. (Conference Keynote Address).
Edgeman, R. (2015). Synergizing Innovation & Sustainability: A Strategy, Performance & Impact Nexus. 25th IBIMA Conference on Innovation 2020: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7-8 May 2015. (Conference Keynote Address).
Edgeman, R., Engell, T, Jensen, N. and Vrtik (2015). Adaptive Crowdsourcing and Improved Innovation. European Decision Sciences Institute 6th Conference, Taormina, Italy, 31 May – 3 June 2015.
Edgeman, R., Eskildsen, J., Blahová, M. (2015). Social-Ecological in Purposeful Organizations: Implications & Impacts in an Age of Wicked Challenges. 2015 Performance Measurement Association of Australasia (PMAA) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-4 February 2015.
Blahová, M., Pálka, P. and Edgeman, R. (2015). Do Japanese Companies in the Czech Republic Perform Better than Others? 2015 Performance Measurement Association of Australasia (PMAA) Conference, 2-4 February 2015.
Edgeman, R. and Wu, Z. (2014). Supply Chain Proficiency in Relation to Resilience, Robustness, Social-Ecological Innovation and Enterprise Sustainability. 6th Annual Canadian Quality Congress, Winnipeg, Canada, 29-30 September 2014.
Edgeman, R. and Wu, Z. (2014). Wicked Challenges in the Anthropocene Age: Supply Chain Implications of Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. European Decision Science Institute 5th Conference, Kolding, Denmark, 29 June–2 July 2014.
Edgeman, R. (2014). Grand Global Challenges in Relations to Superior and Sustained Enterprise Performance & Impact. Performance Management Association Conference, Aarhus, Denmark June 2014.
Edgeman, R. (2014). Survive & Thrive: Sustainable Enterprise Excellence, Resilience & Robustness. Performance Management Association Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 25-27 June 2014.
Edgeman, R. (2014). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence, Resilience & Robustness: An Intrapreneurial Response to Climate Change & Societal Strain. Sustainability, Ethics & Entrepreneurship Conference, Denver, Colorado – 22-23 May 2014.
Edgeman, R. (2014). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence Systems: The SEER2 Strategy & Performance Model. Business Systems Laboratory – 2nd International Symposium: Systems Thinking for a Sustainable Economy – Advancements in Economic & Managerial Theory and Practice, Universitas Meratorum – Rome, Italy. 23-24 January 2014.
Eskildsen, J., Edgeman, R., Mønster, D. and Olesen, J. (2013). Response Based Segmentation in Satisfaction Surveys. Performance Management Association Australasia Conference Proceedings, Queenstown, New Zealand. 30 October – 1 November 2013.
Edgeman, R., Williams, J. and Eskildsen, J. (2013). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence: Innovation Enabled Organizational Resilience, Robustness & Resplendence. 5th Annual Canadian Quality Congress, Calgary, Canada 23-25 September 2013.
Kjaergaard, T., Edgeman, R. and Grewatsch, S. (2013). The Sustainable Leadership Simulator (SLS): An Innovative Governance Mechanism Powering Systematic Validation and Development of Next Best Practice. 2013 International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice: Advancing Evidence-Based Solutions for the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Columbia University, New York City 6-7 September 2013.
Eskildsen, J., Edgeman, R., Mønster, D. and Olesen, J. (2013). Evaluating Response Based Segmentation in PLS Path Modeling. 59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, 25-30 August 2013.
Edgeman, R. (2013). Sustainable Resilient, Robust & Resplendent Enterprises: Translating Triple Top Line Strategy & Governance into Triple Bottom Line Performance. Sustainability in a Scandinavian Context, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark 10-11 June 2013.
Carayannis, E., Edgeman, R. and Sindakis, S. (2013). Knowledge, Information & Data Analytics for Sustainable Enterprise Excellence (KID4SEE). World Summit on Big Data & Organization Design, Sorbonne, Paris, France, 16-17 May 2013.
Carayannis, E., Edgeman, R. and Sindakis, S. (2013). Knowledge, Information & Data (KID) Analytics for Entrepreneurial Education Enabled by Higher Order Technological Learning (HOTL) and Strategic Knowledge, Serendipity & Arbitrage (SKARSE). University of Athens Workshop on Learning & Entrepreneurship, Athens, Greece, May 2013.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2013). Sustainable Enterprise Excellence: The Springboard Model & Assessment. 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Bilbao, Spain, 11-12 April 2013, pp. 123-131.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2013). Socio-Ecological Innovation: Strategic Integration of Innovation for Sustainability and Sustainable Innovation. 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Bilbao, Spain, 11-12 April 2013, pp. 114-122.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). Toward a UN Global Compact and UN PRME Inspired Springboard to Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. World Business Capability Congress Proceedings, Aukland, New Zealand, 5-7 December 2012.
Eskildsen, J., Edgeman, R. and Kjaergaard, T. (2012). The Impact of Contextual Factors on Satisfaction. World Business Capability Congress, Aukland, New Zealand, 5-7 December 2012.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). Stepping on the Springboard to Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. 18th Asia Pacific Quality Conference, 14-17 October 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Eskildsen, J., Bollingtoft, A., Edgeman, R. and Kjaergaard, T. (2012). From Workforce Performance Measurement to Sustainable Performance Management: The Care Index. 18th Asia Pacific Quality Conference, 14-17 October 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). A Springboard to Sustainable Enterprise Excellence. 11th EABIS Colloquium on Strategic Innovation for Sustainability, European Association for Business in Society and IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2-4 July 2012.
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). Viral Innovation, Sustainability and Excellence: The VISE Triad. Proceedings of the 18th IBIMA Conference, 9-10 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-7-6,
Edgeman, R. and Eskildsen, J. (2012). People-Centered Innovation: Co-creation & Profound Consciousness. Proceedings of the 18th IBIMA Conference, 9-10 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-7-6.
Edgeman, R. (2012). Innovation as a Key to Organizational Sustainability. Sixth MEQA (Middle East Quality Association) Congress, Dubai, UAE. January 31 –2 February 2012.
Edgeman, R., Kristensen, K., Eskildsen, J., Lawrence, J. and Metlen, S. (2011). Next Generation Organizational Leadership: Enterprise-Wide Process & Performance Excellence. Proceedings of the Fifth MEQA (Middle East Quality Association) Congress, Dubai, UAE, February 2011, pp 448-457.
Edgeman, R. and Boakye, K.G. (2010). People-Centred Innovation via Pervasive Collaboration. Proceedings of the Fourth MEQA (Middle East Quality Association) Congress, Dubai, UAE, March 22-26, 2010
Edgeman, R. (2008). Life After Deming: Creating a Culture for Quality Excellence through Profound Consciousness. MAAOE VII, Multinational Alliance for the Advancement of Organizational Excellence, Aarhus, Denmark, October 2008.
Edgeman, R. and Fraley, L. (2008). From Profound Knowledge to Profound Consciousness: Life after Deming. Second MEQA (Middle East Quality Association) Congress, Dubai, UAE, April 7-9, 2008.
Edgeman, R. (2007). Six Sigma from Products to Pollution to People. First Annual MEQA (Middle East Quality Association) Congress. Dubai, UAE, March 2007. Conference Keynote Address.
Edgeman, R. and Dugan, J. (2006). Six Sigma from Products to Pollution to People: Migration from Engineering and Business to the Natural and Social Environments. 11th World Congress for TQM, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2006. Conference Keynote Address.
Pavia, K., Wagner, F. and Edgeman, R. (2006). Using Six Sigma to Create a Kiln Drying Workshop. Forest Products Society, 60th International Convention & Technology Transfer Group, San Jose, California, June 2006.
Edgeman, R. and Willis, B. (2005). Engineering Outreach and Six Sigma Innovation & Design. Educating the Net Generation, Moscow, Idaho, October 2005.
Edgeman, R. (2005). Six Sigma from Products to Pollution to People: Migration from Engineering and Business to the Natural and Social Environments. American Statistical Association – Quality & Productivity Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2005.
Edgeman, R. and Hensler, D. (2004). QFD and the BEST Paradigm: Deploying Sustainable Solutions. World Review of Science, Technology & Sustainable Development 2nd International Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 2004. Conference Best Paper Award.
Edgeman, R., Bigio, D. and Ferleman, T. (2003). Six Sigma in Public Sector - Information Technology Disaster Recovery: Case Analysis of the Office of the Chief Technology Officer of the Government of the District of Columbia.
4th International MAAOE Conference, Melbourne, Australia. October 2003.
Bigio, D., Edgeman, R. and Ferleman, T. (2003). Six Sigma Availability Management of Information Technology in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer of Washington, DC. 8th World Congress for TQM, Dubai, UAE. October 2003.
Edgeman, R. (2003). A Six Sigma QUEST. 3rd International MAAOE Conference, Ayr, Scotland, September 2002, pp. 176-183.
Edgeman, R., Hensler, D. and Mazur, G. (2002). Deploying BEST Excellence– KEYNOTE ADDRESS. 7th ICIT International Conference on ISO9000 & Total Quality Management, Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 April 2002.
Edgeman, R., Hensler, D. and Mazur, G. (2001). BEST Deployment: An Integrative Solution for Critical Time. QFD Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, 4-8 November 2001.
Hensler, D. and Edgeman, R. (2001). Modeling BEST Sustainability: The Beginning. 2nd International MAAOE Conference: The Multinational Alliance for the Advancement of Organisational Excellence, Versailles, France, 26-28 September 2001
Edgeman, R., Geroy, G. and Chitsika, R. (2001). In Search of the BEST Chord: Harmonizing Business Excellence and Sustainable Development. 2nd International MAAOE Conference: The Multinational Alliance for the Advancement of Organisational Excellence, Versailles, France. 26-28 September 2001.
Chitsika, R., Geroy, G. and Edgeman, R. (2001). Quality Management in Emerging Economies: A Cultural Perspective. 2nd International MAAOE Conference: The Multinational Alliance for the Advancement of Organisational Excellence, Versailles, France, 26-28 September 2001
Edgeman, R. (2000). Pondering Excellence and Sustainable Development, European Operations Management Association. 3rd International (Euro) CINet Conference: Continuous Improvement 2000: From Improvement to Innovation, Aalborg, Denmark - September 2000, pp. 139-151.
Edgeman, R. and Hensler, D. (2000). The AW Chronicle: Earth@Omega or Sustainability@Alpha? Multinational Alliance for the Advancement of Organisational Excellence: First International Conference, Estes Park, Colorado, 6-9 August 2000.
Hensler, D., Jonker, J. and Edgeman, R. (2000). The Gaia Hypothesis, Total Quality Management and System Dynamics. Symposium of the International Research Network for Quality, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility – 6th Annual Eco-Mgt. & Auditing Conference: Towards New Management Systems, Manchester, UK, June 2000.
Edgeman, R. and Jonker, J. (2000). Lessons from Leonardo: Application of da Vincian Principles to Organizational Excellence – Two Conference Plenary (Keynote Address). 4th International & 7th National Research Conference on Quality Management and Qualcon 2000, Sydney, Australia, February 2000.
Edgeman, R. and Hensler, D. (2000). From Quality to Organizational Excellence: Emerging Ideas. 4th International & 7th National Research Conference on Quality Management, Sydney, Australia, Feb. 2000
Lewis, J. and Edgeman, R. (2000). The Roles of Quality Leaders: A Survey of Total Quality Management Literature. 4th International & 7th National Research Conference on Quality Management, Sydney, Australia, February 2000.
Edgeman, R. (1999). Leadership and the Quest for Business Excellence. 3rd International & 6th National Research Conference on Quality Management, Melbourne, Australia, February 1999, pp. 140-147.
Edgeman, R., Dahlgaard, J., Dahlgaard, S. and Scherer, F. (1998). Leadership and Core Values: A Paradigm for Principle-Centered Leadership. The Learning Edge: Driving for Sustainable Excellence – European Foundation for Quality Management, Rome, Italy, April 1998.
Edgeman, R. (1998). Core Value Deployment & Principle-Centered Leadership. Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, 8 June 1998. (Invited Presentation).
Shi, S., Liu, Z., Chen, Y. and Edgeman, R. (1997). On the Role of Leadership in TQM in China. International Conference on Productivity & Quality Research, Dailin, China, March 1997.
Edgeman, R. (1996). Improving the Leadership Selection Process: Quality Management Tools and Perspectives. International Association of Management, 14th International Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 1996.
Sturtevant, N., Trowbridge, B. and Edgeman, R. (1996). Quality & the Environmental Steward. Management of Technology V, February 1996, pp. 355-56. Elsevier Advanced Technology, Oxford, UK
Edgeman, R. (1993). Quality Improvement in Universities - Invited Roundtable Leader. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 1993.
Edgeman, R. and Grayson, J. (1993). Correlation Evaluation of Probability Plots. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 1993.
Grayson, J. and Edgeman, R. (1992). Applying the 7 QC Tools to Software. Decision Science Institute Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, November 1992.
Edgeman, R. (1992). Computer Systems Quality & Reliability Assessment and Improvement.
Management of Technology III, Miami, Florida, February 1992, pp. 704-711. Industrial Engineering & Management Press, Norcross, GA.
Williams, J., Clark, J. and Edgeman, R. (1992). System Death Cycle: Identification of Metrics of the Wear-Out Stage. Management of Technology III, Miami, Florida, February 1992, pp. 603-611. Industrial Engineering & Management Press, Norcross, GA.
Edgeman, R. and Clark, J. (1991). Systems Quality & Reliability Improvement through the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Guidelines and the Deming Management Method. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, November 1991.
Edgeman, R. (1991). Quality Improvement & Statistical Reasoning: A Business School Implementation. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, August 1991.
Kaman, V., Mallette, P. and Edgeman, R. (1991). Building a Technology Management Curriculum. Mountain-Plains Management Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, October 1991.
Edgeman, R. and Shanmugam, R. (1990). Linear Regression Analysis for Inverse Gaussian Processes. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, November 1990.
Edgeman, R. and Grayson, J. (1990). Analysis of Reciprocals: An Alternative to ANOVA for Underlying Distributions with Positive Skew. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, November 1990.
Edgeman, R. and Williams, J. (1990). Solution by Inspection for a Class of Linear Programs. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, November 1990.
Edgeman, R. and Williams, J. (1990). A Competitor to ANOVA for Analysis of Skewed Data. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, August 1990, p.79.
Edgeman, R. (1990). Communication of Statistical Concepts in Technology to Managers. Fifth Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business Conference, June 1990.
Pavur, R., Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1989). Using the Anderson-Darling and Cramer-Von Mises Procedures with the Inverse Gaussian Distribution. Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, March 1989.
Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1988). A Watson Test of Inverse Gaussianness. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, pp. 138-140, November 1988.
Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1987). An Anderson-Darling Test of the Inverse Gaussian Density. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, pp. 238-240, August 1987.
Scott, R. and Edgeman, R. (1987). A Cramer-Von Mises Test of the Inverse Gaussian Density. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, pp. 241-243, August 1987.
Edgeman, R. and Scott, R. (1987). Critical Value Approximation for an EDF Based Test of the Inverse Gaussian Density. Computer Science & Statistics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pp. 540-542, 1987.
Edgeman, R. and Rubash, A. (1986). An Approximate Inverse Standard Normal Result with Applications. Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, March 1986, pp. 263-264.
Edgeman, R., Scott, R. and Reznek (1985). Box-and-Whiskergrams: A Data Display Methodology. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, 1985, p. 92.
Scott, R. and Edgeman, R. (1985). Random Variate Generation on Apple II Microcomputers. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, 1985, p. 131.
Edgeman, R. (1983). Quasi-Optimality in Sequential Decision Processes. American Statistical Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 1983, pp. 539-543, 1983.
Edgeman, R. (2017). Quality History & Gurus: A Journey through the Quality Cosmos. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, March 2017.
Edgeman R (2015) Examining the Quality of Scientific Research. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, May
Edgeman, R. (2015). Language & Flair in Academic Research. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. May
Edgeman, R. (2000). Sustainable Development & the Fragile Triumvirate: Personal, Organizational, and Societal Excellence. Oxford University, Oxford, UK, July 2000. MBA and Public Policy Graduate Students in the Georgetown University Graduate School of Business International Management Program.
Edgeman, R. (2000). Pondering the Interface: Business Excellence & Sustainable Development. University of Versailles de St. Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France, 3 July 2000. For French Faculty, Students & Professionals: European Master of Science Program in Total Quality Management
Edgeman, R. (2000). Next Generation Quality Management: Multidisciplinary, Multinational and Performance-Oriented - Mutual Enrichment at the Interface of Organizational and Personal Excellence. (Invited). National Science Foundation Workshop on Networks & Quality, Tempe, Arizona, 25-26 Feb 2000
Edgeman, R. (1998). North American Collaboration in Universities. Swedish Quality Association Annual Meeting, Luleå, Sweden, 10 June 1998.
Edgeman, R. (1997). Optimization of a Flexible Packaging Material Process: Real Application of Response Surface Design & Analysis. Linköping University of Technology, Linköping, Sweden, 26 November 1997. (Industrial Consortium Keynote Address).
Edgeman, R. (1997). A Quality Management Process for Leadership Selection. Försöks-Planering & Robust Konstruktion– Fall Technical Conference on Experimental Design (Business Excellence & Strategic Planning – Fifth Annual Conference), Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus, Denmark, Oct. 1997.
Journal of Quality Technology – 6 TQM Journal (formerly The TQM Magazine) – 4
Quality Progress – 10 Technometrics – 4
Interfaces – 3 International Journal of Service Marketing – 1
NOTE: Some not listed below Total Quality Mgt & Business Excellence – 1
Edgeman, R. (2010). Lean Six Sigma in Service: Applications & Case Studies, Sandra L. Furterer, Editor (2009), CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21, 10, 1060-1061.
Edgeman, R. (2004). Multivariate Statistical Process Control with Industrial Applications, Robert L. Mason & John C. Young (2002), ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics & Applied Probability. Technometrics, 46, 4, 484-485.
Edgeman, R (2004). Quality from Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction, Bo Bergman & Bengt Klefsjö (2003), Studentlitteratur, Lund, Sweden. International Journal of Service Marketing.
Edgeman, R. (1998). Organizational Self-Assessment, Tito Conti (1997) Chapman & Hall, London. The TQM Journal (formerly The TQM Magazine), 10, 4, 311.
Edgeman, R. (1998). The European Way to Excellence, T.W. Hardjono, S. ten Have, and W.D. ten Have – editors (1997). The TQM Journal (formerly The TQM Magazine), 10, 4, 311-312.
Edgeman, R. (1998). Fundamentals of Total Quality Management, JJ. Dahlgaard, K Kristensen and GK. Kanji (1998), Chapman & Hall, London. The TQM Journal (formerly TQM Magazine), 10, 4, 312 (1998).
Edgeman, R. (1998). Statistical Methods for Industrial Process Control, David Drain (1997), Chapman & Hall, New York. Technometrics, 40, 2, 153-154.
Edgeman, R. (1997). Statistical Quality Control, 7th Ed, E.L. Grant & R.S. Leavenworth (1996), McGraw-Hill, New York. Journal of Quality Technology, 29.
Edgeman, R. (1996). The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: A Case Study in Exponential Families, V. Seshadri (1993), Oxford University Science Press, Oxford, UK. Journal of Quality Technology, 28, 2, 258.
Edgeman, R. (1996). Practical Methods for Reliability Data, JI Ansel & MJ Phillips (1994). Oxford University Science Press, Oxford, England. Journal of Quality Technology, 28, 2, 260-261.
Edgeman, R. (1995). A Data-Based Approach to Statistics, Ronald L. Iman. Journal of Quality Technology, 27, 1, 88-89.
Edgeman, R. (1993). Ethics in Quality, A.B. Mundel (1991), ASQC Quality Press & Marcel Dekker, New York. Quality Progress, 26.
Edgeman, R. (1993). Total Quality Management: Three Steps to Continuous Improvement, A. Tenner & I. DeToro (1992), Addison Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts. Quality Progress, 26, 175-176.
Edgeman, R. (1992). Engineering Quality by Design: Interpreting the Taguchi Approach, T.Barker (1990), Marcel Dekker, NY. Technometrics, 34, 2, 230.
Edgeman, R. (1992). LISP-Stat: An Object-Oriented Environment for Statistical Computing & Dynamic Graphics, L. Tierney (1990), Wiley & Sons, New York. Journal of Quality Technology, 24, 2, 111-112.
Edgeman, R. (1992). Introduction to Quality Control, Kaoru Ishikawa (1990), 3A Corp., Tokyo. Quality Progress, 25, 3, 142.
Edgeman, R. (1991). Competing Globally Through Customer Value, MJ Stahl & GM Bounds (Eds.) (1991), Quorum, Westport, CT. Quality Progress, 24, 167-169.
Edgeman, R. (1991). The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, Raj Jain (1991). Wiley, New York. Quality Progress, 24, 112.
Edgeman, R. (1991). Quality Assurance, Richard C. Vaughn (1990), Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. Quality Progress, 24, 163.
Edgeman, R. (1990). Crossroads: A JIT Success Story, R.Stasey & C.J. McNair (1990), Dow Jones-Irwin, Homewood, IL. Quality Progress, 23, 12, 158.
Edgeman, R. (1990). Just-in-Time: Making It Happen, W.A. Sandras (1989), Oliver Wight Companies, Essex Junction, Vermont. Quality Progress, 23, 9, 147.
Edgeman, R. and Grayson, J. (1990). Quality Control, Reliability, & Engineering Design, B.S. Dhillon (1985) Marcel Dekker, New York. Quality Progress, 23, 9, 144.
Edgeman, R. and Grayson, J. (1990). Reliability for the Technologies, 2e, Leonard A. Doty (1989), Industrial Press, New York. Quality Progress, 23, 8, 151.
Edgeman, R. (1989). The Inverse Gaussian Distribution: Theory, Methodology and Applications, RS Chhikara & JL Folks (1989) Marcel Dekker, New York. Journal of Quality Technology, 21, 4, 295-297.
Edgeman, R. (1989). Quality Management Handbook, L Walsh, R Wurster & R Kimber (1986) Marcel Dekker & ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI. Interfaces, 19, 2, 102-103.
Edgeman, R. (1988). Quality Process Management, G.A. Pall (1987), Prentice-Hall, New York, NY. Interfaces, 18, 6, 134-135.
Edgeman, R (1988). Statistics for Business and Economics, S.C. Albright (1987) Macmillan, New York, NY. Interfaces, 18, 5, 94-95.